Owning Marriage is a groundbreaking effort to guide couples to enjoying loving, rewarding marriages, alleviating the need for counseling and therapy. The better educated you are about yourself, your spouse and marriage, the greater the likelihood that you’ll succeed in marriage. Marriage is alive and like all living things, marriage needs to be constantly nurtured. Every marriage can improve and that’s our goal.
We educate you how to be successfully married. The overwhelming majority of marriages have two good people yet they fail to maximize their relationship. In most cases, husbands and wives never learned how to be successfully married. Become an expert at marriage; your marriage
Marriage is a choice, your choice. It’s in your hands to celebrate a rewarding, successful marriage. You will look back at your marriage with fond memories or regrets. Do what you can so you’ll look back with a smile and a warm feeling. Marriage is a fertile ground to grow; both as a person and in your marriage. Our pioneering methodology in the field of Psychotorapy is the culmination of three millennia of successful marriage education. We share that knowledge along with theoretical and practical experience. Decades of scholarly research and understanding the human condition enable us to impart to you the secrets for enhancing marriage. See the testimonials for real life success stories. In essence, we are sharing the Marriage Bible; God’s blueprint for marital accomplishment.
Owning Marriage is the brainchild of Rabbi Eliezer Medwed. He is the founder and director. Mrs. Sara Medwed heads the Women’s Programs. We write, lecture and offer consulting services. You benefit tremendously from the fact that we are married. We work as a team – exactly as you should. What you hear fits what your spouse hears. What your spouse hears fits what you hear. We hone our message so that husband and wife hear complementary (with an ‘e’) and compatible messages.
In-person meetings are always preferable. If that’s not possible, Skype, Zoom or similar avenues offer solid opportunities to guide couples to realizing the dreams they always had for their marriage.
Absolutely. Be in contact with us.
Again, absolutely. It’s up to you. We may want to speak with you together at times and depending upon your circumstances, we may want to occasionally speak with you or your spouse separately. Whatever you need, we’ll go that route with you.
You can choose. Whomever makes you most comfortable.
Yes. Mrs. Medwed welcomes women, assuring the comfort and modesty women prefer. She does not meet privately with men. Sometimes, we both sit with a spouse or couple. You gain from two minds and opinions and the depth of male and female understanding.
We don’t believe a piece of paper is enough to make one qualified to teach others. Proper marriage instruction comes after years of real-life experience. We have the experience that benefits you. You will feel comfortable and don’t worry, nothing fazes us.
Go to the sign-up page elsewhere in this website.
We will get back to you as soon as we can. It may not be immediate but it will be as close as possible. We understand why you are contacting us and are here to assist you.
Yes. If you choose to remain anonymous, that’s fine.
As long as you feel necessary. We’re here for you. If you choose to leave, you are always welcome to contact us in the future.
Look on the website and cancel whenever you choose.
Owning Marriage’s mission is to educate and train couples for successful and rewarding marriage thereby alleviating the need for future counseling or therapy
Most couples never attain the ideals and goals they set for themselves when they joined in the bonds of marriage. It’s not their fault. They never were taught how to be successfully and lovingly married.
Owning Marriage invites you to experience our unique synthesis of three millennia of expertise inmarriage-enhancing multi-faceted paradigms.
A Vision for the Future
A Vision for Now
Sounds cliché.
No matter where your marriage is right now, you too can ‘own’ marriage. Owning Marriage’s 3-point philosophy is:
A couple has just become engaged. Another couple is married five, ten or even twenty years. They may have ten children… yet, have they ever made love, real love? Not just selfishly exploiting each other to fill physical needs but joining together in honest to goodness intimacy, love and bonding?
Are couples properly prepared for marriage? Yes, they spend thousands preparing for their wedding day… but do they invest in the day after? Or the year after? Or their marriage? What will keep them together after the novelty wears off? There are three possibilities for marriage; divorce, unhappiness or success. The only choice we want takes effort, skill and education.
The greatest gift you can give a man or woman is to offer them the tools, instruction and confidence to navigate their marriage successfully and lovingly – forever! Educated, committed couples overcome challenges, using them as stepping stones on their journey to greater bonding and love. How beautiful when a couple that faces the bumps and adversities of life, and, in place of falling apart, becomes stronger because of them!
Owning Marriage changes people, lives and marriages. You, your spouse and family will reap the rewards.
Glassy-eyed with expectations based on the nebulous stuff of stardust, I began married life over thirty years ago with virtually no preparation or knowledge of what marriage entails. Reality burst my bubble rather quickly. On the heels of one of my numerous early mess-ups, it hit me; I didn’t know anything about marriage, nor did I know anything about my new wife. Yes, she was a diamond… but she was very human – with needs, lots of them – and expected me to fill them. She was a person, a woman and my wife. We weren’t one. We were two distinct individuals who joined together to become one.
The $64,000 question became “How do two imperfect people create a perfect marriage?” The answer necessitated redefining my perception of marriage and meant reexamining myself and my goals; placing an ideal above self-centered thoughts of marriage and what my wife ‘owed’ me. It meant recognizing and flourishing in the fascinating paradox of marriage; you choose a partner for selfish reasons but, once you marry, your life becomes dedicated to filling their needs, thereby finding a new, deeper and more complete self (as will be explained).
I turned to the eternal truths that guided every other aspect of my life. As my wife (she also came to a similar conclusion about herself) and I dedicated ourselves to learning and making our marriage the best possible, we hit upon truths that so many others were not privy to, but needed to be. We began sharing our newfound knowledge with others, speaking, writing and counseling. The response was remarkable. Authenticity is something people are genuinely drawn to. Our desire was to help. As more people turned to us, the scope of their issues became more varied. Gambling, internet, pornography, alcohol and drug addictions were destroying marriages. We became marital and family counselors, addiction and dependency counselors and general and marital mediators.
I began writing a newspaper column focusing on family, marriage and society. No fluff, the articles were informative, prodding and, at times, controversial; something I enjoy because it causes people to think – regardless of whether or not they agree with me. As a marriage counselor, rabbi, author and lecturer, I have dealt with the worst “marriages” imaginable, including attempted murder, rape, violence, divorce, abuse and addictions. My wife and I have cried over unimaginable horror stories suffering souls have brought us. Perhaps more painful, albeit less extreme, is witnessing the suffering of many good couples who needlessly squander their lives and love as they helplessly grow apart.
With over a quarter-century pioneering the field of Psychotorapy, we created a marriage paradigm drawing from three millennia of the Torah and wisdom of the sages of the ages, the greatest teachers of marriage the world has ever known. As the source materials attest, our approach is rooted in decades of scholarly research specifically in the field of marriage, the fruits of which are now rendered into English for the first time. The plethora of information you’ll find is both unique and abundant, culled from hundreds of sources virtually inaccessible to most, including ancient Hebrew and Aramaic texts, genuine Kabbalistic expositions, the Talmud, Codes and the Torah, spiced with ancient, medieval and contemporary commentaries. Regardless of religion or level of religiosity, these universal truths and secrets will open your minds and hearts and enhance your love, bonding and intimacy no matter how good or lacking these are at present. No one gets married in order to get divorced. We all marry with dreams and hopes. It’s time to realize the good in ourselves, our spouse and our marriage.
I firmly believe that few couples truly need therapy. Merriam-Webster defines ‘therapy’ as ‘the treatment of physical or mental illness.’ Most marriages don’t suffer mental illness; husbands and wives simply lack instruction how to be successfully married. If you’re married and never learned how to be married, then you and your spouse need to learn how to be married! Unlike typical self-help books, you won’t find one person’s outlook here, nor the results of random surveys of ‘other’ couples, projecting ‘results’ as guidelines for you. That doesn’t work; you’re you, not them.
Welcome to a perspective based on the Owner’s manual, guiding couples to transforming marriage, bonding and achieving lasting passion in marriage.[1]
[1] “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Rambam.